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  • That was the Week that Was (Jan 27-31 2025)

    Monday Jan 27:   David Coote is in the news again. In an exclusive with the S*n (of course) he’s come out as gay and said that his struggles with dealing with that led to him taking drugs and calling Jurgen ‘a German cunt’. Firstly, the only people who hadn’t worked out he was gay were the ‘faithfuls’ in this year’s Traitors show. It couldn’t have been more obvious.   Secondly, it's largely irrelevant too as while I'm sure many of us can sympathise with the difficulties he mu

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    That Was the Week that Was 5

    Bournemouth 0 Liverpool 2 (Feb 1 2025)

    I’m going to break from the norm here and just go straight to an incident in the game and start with that. I’ll get to the actual match report in due course but I’m going to start with the penalty because nothing sums up just how absolutely fucked up football fans have become that this clear as day foul is somehow being made into a “controversial” decision.   I’ve just watched MOTD and the commentator said he was surprised it wasn’t overturned. Lineker, Given and whoever the other one

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    Match Reports 19

    Premier League Round Up (Jan 25-26 2025)

    The easy thing to do this week would be to start with Arsenal given the absolute fucking bedlam they’ve caused this week with yet more cryarsing, but fuck them. I’m not going to lead with them, I’m going to give Bournemouth their due by giving them top billing after what they did to Forest.   Them winning was not a surprise as they’re flying. So are Forest of course, but it feels like what Bournemouth are doing is more sustainable simply because of how they play. Teams that play the wa

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    Round Ups 1

    PSV Eindhoven 3 Liverpool 2 (Jan 29 2025)

    I know it didn’t matter, and that we finished top anyway, but this defeat still stung me a little. I really wanted the win and to keep the 100% record, but I would have been fine with a loss if we just hadn’t shown up or if I felt like it was deserved. That’s not the case, we did not deserve to lose this game at all and the makeshift side we put out gave all they had.   So I was disappointed. Not with them, but for them. PSV haven’t lost at home for 50 odd games but had we been a bit l

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    Match Reports 18

    Liverpool 4 Ipswich Town 1 (Jan 25 2025)

    We don’t tend to have many of these, so this was a nice stress free afternoon. I can’t remember too many occasions where we went into the second half knowing that the game was already won, usually we’re 0-0 or losing. More of this please, Reds.   Of course we won’t be playing teams as poor as Ipswich too often. Watching this it was easy to see how they conceded six last week against City. We could have easily matched that if we’d been inclined to push for it, but we settled for four an

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    Match Reports 3
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